Twitter for the academy

Academics and Twitter: the good, the bad and how to survive out there

By Amanda Heffernan and Rachel Buchanan

This article was originally published on EduResearch Matters. Read the original article.AARE

Twitter is the social media of choice for many academics. At least one in forty academics in an institution is on twitter, contributing to the 4.2 million tweets about education every day. If you are involved in education in any way it is probably a good idea to get on there and see what is happening.

In today’s world of academia where it is essential to show evidence of impact Twitter can be invaluable in helping academics establish their larger digital identities, share their research and publications and mine for data that can assist with their research projects. Continue reading

Education shaped by big data and Silicon Valley. Is this what we want for Australia?

This article was originally published on EduResearch Matters. Read the original article.AARE


By Rachel Buchanan and Amy McPherson

The recent banning of smart phones in public schools by several state governments shows Australian policymakers are concerned about children’s use of technology and social media in school time. But what about the way our schools use digital technologies and, in particular, how the data collected by schools about our children is being used? Continue reading